
Wander with keyboard

This tutorial guides you to wander with keyboard as g1 robot.

$ python -m grutopia.demo.g1_locomotion

You can control the g1 robot with keyboard command:

  • I: Move Forward

  • K: Move Backward

  • J: Move Left

  • L: Move Right

  • U: Turn Left

  • O: Turn Right

Brief Explanation

The keyboard is abstracted as an interaction device. A vector is used to denote which key is being pressed, and this vector is then translated into the robot’s actions at each step.

from grutopia_extension.interactions.keyboard import KeyboardInteraction

keyboard = KeyboardInteraction()

while env.simulation_app.is_running():
    i += 1
    command = keyboard.get_input()
    x_speed = command[0] - command[1]
    y_speed = command[2] - command[3]
    z_speed = command[4] - command[5]
    env_action = { (x_speed, y_speed, z_speed),
    obs, _, terminated, _, _ = env.step(action=env_action)

You can refer to GRUtopia/grutopia/demo/ for a complete example.