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  • How to add custom robot

How to add custom robot

This tutorial will show you how to add a robot

1. Add isaac sim robot

Assuming you already have an usd file of a robot, and it has drivable joints.

Create a file in grutopia_extension/robots, named demo_robot.py. Inherit the robot class from isaac.

from omni.isaac.core.robots.robot import Robot as IsaacRobot
from omni.isaac.core.utils.stage import add_reference_to_stage

class DemoRobot(IsaacRobot):

    def __init__(self,
                 prim_path: str,
                 usd_path: str,
                 name: str,
                 position: np.ndarray = None,
                 orientation: np.ndarray = None,
                 scale: np.ndarray = None):
        add_reference_to_stage(prim_path=prim_path, usd_path=os.path.abspath(usd_path))
        super().__init__(prim_path=prim_path, name=name, position=position, orientation=orientation, scale=scale)
        # Set robot-specific parameters/attributes here

2. Wrap with grutopia.core.robot.robot

from omni.isaac.core.scenes import Scene

from grutopia.core.config.robot import RobotUserConfig as Config
from grutopia.core.robot.robot import BaseRobot
from grutopia.core.robot.robot_model import RobotModel
from grutopia.core.util import log

# Register this robot to grutopia.core
class DemoRobotWrapper(BaseRobot):

    def __init__(self, config: Config, robot_model: RobotModel, scene: Scene):
        super().__init__(config, robot_model, scene)
        self._sensor_config = robot_model.sensors
        self._gains = robot_model.gains
        self._start_position = np.array(config.position) if config.position is not None else None
        self._start_orientation = np.array(config.orientation) if config.orientation is not None else None

        log.debug(f'demo_robot {config.name}: position    : ' + str(self._start_position))
        log.debug(f'demo_robot {config.name}: orientation : ' + str(self._start_orientation))

        usd_path = robot_model.usd_path
        if usd_path.startswith('/Isaac'):
            usd_path = get_assets_root_path() + usd_path

        log.debug(f'demo_robot {config.name}: usd_path         : ' + str(usd_path))
        log.debug(f'demo_robot {config.name}: config.prim_path : ' + str(config.prim_path))

        # Wrap the robot class here.
        self.isaac_robot = DemoRobot(

        self._robot_scale = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
        if config.scale is not None:
            self._robot_scale = np.array(config.scale)

        # Add the attr you want here.


    def apply_action(self, action: dict):
            action (dict): inputs for controllers.
        for controller_name, controller_action in action.items():
            if controller_name not in self.controllers:
                log.warn(f'unknown controller {controller_name} in action')
            controller = self.controllers[controller_name]
            control = controller.action_to_control(controller_action)
            self.isaac_robot.apply_actuator_model(control, controller_name, self.joint_subset)

    def get_obs(self):
        Set the observation you need here.

        # custom
        position, orientation = self._robot_base.get_world_pose()
        obs = {
            'position': position,
            'orientation': orientation,

        # common
        for c_obs_name, controller_obs in self.controllers.items():
            obs[c_obs_name] = controller_obs.get_obs()
        for sensor_name, sensor_obs in self.sensors.items():
            obs[sensor_name] = sensor_obs.get_data()
        return obs
  • And there are many other functions in grutopia.core.robot.robot, FYI.

3. Register at robot_models

Add you robot model at grutopia_extension/robots/robot_models.yaml

- type: "DemoRobotWrapper"
  usd_path: "..."
  - name: "..."
    type: "..."

4. Add controllers and sensors

See how to add controller and how to add sensor

5. Write a demo

See how to add controller and how to add sensor