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  • How to Add Custom Robot

How to Add Custom Robot

This tutorial will show you how to add a robot. If you wish to use this robot in practice, you need to:

To add a custom robot, you need to:

  • Create a config class for robot config, inheriting from the grutopia.core.config.robot.RobotCfg.

  • Create a class for robot, inheriting from the grutopia.core.robot.BaseRobot.

Create Config Class

Here’s an example of a config class for a robot:

from grutopia.core.config import RobotCfg

class DemoRobotCfg(RobotCfg):
    # meta info
    name: str = 'demo'
    type: str = 'DemoRobot'
    prim_path: str = '/World/demo'
    create_robot: bool = True
    usd_path: Optional[str] = './assets/demo_robot.usd'

Generally, when creating a new config class, reasonable default values for required fields should be specified, and robot specific config fields can be added when necessary.

Create Robot Class

In the simplest scenario, the following methods are required to be implemented in your robot class:

from omni.isaac.core.scenes import Scene
from grutopia.core.robot.robot import BaseRobot

@BaseRobot.register('DemoRobot')  # Register this robot to grutopia
class DemoRobot(BaseRobot):
    def __init__(self, config: DemoRobotCfg, scene: Scene):
        """Initialize the robot with the given config.

            config (DemoRobotCfg): config for the robot, should be a instance of corresponding config class.
            scene (Scene): current scene.

    def apply_action(self, action: dict):
        """Apply actions of controllers to robot.

            action (dict): action dict.
              key: controller name.
              value: corresponding action array.

    def get_obs(self) -> dict:
        """Get observation of robot, including controllers, sensors, and world pose.

The apply_action method are used to apply the provided actions, and get_obs to obtain the robot’s current observations in each step.

For complete list of robot methods, please refer to the Robot API documentation.

Please note that the registration of the robot class is done through the @BaseRobot.register decorator, and the registered name should match the value of type field within the corresponding robot config class (here is DemoRobot).

Since a robot typically consists of joints and rigid bodies, Robot class from Isaac Sim, which derives from Articulation class, are likely to be used in robot implementation. The Articulation class provides high-level encapsulation for articulated object.

An example of robot class implementation is shown as following:

from omni.isaac.core.robots.robot import Robot as IsaacRobot
from omni.isaac.core.scenes import Scene
from omni.isaac.core.utils.stage import add_reference_to_stage

from grutopia.core.config.robot import RobotUserConfig as Config
from grutopia.core.robot.robot import BaseRobot
from grutopia.core.util import log

@BaseRobot.register('DemoRobot')  # Register this robot to grutopia
class DemoRobot(BaseRobot):

    def __init__(self, config: DemoRobotCfg, scene: Scene):  # Use the config class for this robot
        super().__init__(config, scene)
        self._sensor_config = config.sensors
        self._start_position = np.array(config.position) if config.position is not None else None
        self._start_orientation = np.array(config.orientation) if config.orientation is not None else None

        usd_path = config.usd_path

        add_reference_to_stage(prim_path=prim_path, usd_path=os.path.abspath(usd_path))
        self.isaac_robot = IsaacRobot(

        self._robot_scale = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
        if config.scale is not None:
            self._robot_scale = np.array(config.scale)
        # More initialization here...

    def apply_action(self, action: dict):
            action (dict): inputs for controllers.
        for controller_name, controller_action in action.items():
            if controller_name not in self.controllers:
                log.warning(f'unknown controller {controller_name} in action')
            controller = self.controllers[controller_name]
            control = controller.action_to_control(controller_action)

    def get_obs(self):
        Set the observation you need here.
        position, orientation = self._robot_base.get_world_pose()

        # custom
        obs = {
            'position': position,
            'orientation': orientation,
            'controllers': {},
            'sensors': {},

        # common
        for c_obs_name, controller_obs in self.controllers.items():
            obs['controllers'][c_obs_name] = controller_obs.get_obs()
        for sensor_name, sensor_obs in self.sensors.items():
            obs['sensors'][sensor_name] = sensor_obs.get_data()
        return obs