
Source code for grutopia.core.util.omni_usd_util

import time
import typing

import carb
import numpy as np
import omni.usd
from pxr import Gf, Usd

[docs]def compute_path_bbox(prim_path: str) -> typing.Tuple[carb.Double3, carb.Double3]: """ Compute Bounding Box using omni.usd.UsdContext.compute_path_world_bounding_box See\ omni.usd.UsdContext.compute_path_world_bounding_box Args: prim_path: A prim path to compute the bounding box. Returns: A range (i.e. bounding box) as a minimum point and maximum point. """ return omni.usd.get_context().compute_path_world_bounding_box(prim_path)
[docs]def get_pick_position(robot_base_position: np.ndarray, prim_path: str) -> np.ndarray: """Get the pick position for a manipulator robots to pick an objects at prim_path. The pick position is simply the nearest top vertex of the objects's bounding box. Args: robot_base_position (np.ndarray): robots base position. prim_path (str): prim path of objects to pick. Returns: np.ndarray: pick position. """ bbox_0, bbox_1 = compute_path_bbox(prim_path) x1 = bbox_0[0] x2 = bbox_1[0] y1 = bbox_0[1] y2 = bbox_1[1] top_z = bbox_0[2] if bbox_0[2] > bbox_1[2] else bbox_1[2] top_vertices = [ np.array([x1, y1, top_z]), np.array([x1, y2, top_z]), np.array([x2, y1, top_z]), np.array([x2, y2, top_z]), ] print('================================ Top vertices: ', top_vertices, ' ====================================') pick_position = top_vertices[0] for vertex in top_vertices: if np.linalg.norm(robot_base_position - vertex) < np.linalg.norm(robot_base_position - pick_position): pick_position = vertex return pick_position
[docs]def get_grabbed_able_xform_paths(root_path: str, prim: Usd.Prim, depth: int = 3) -> typing.List[str]: """get all prim paths of Xform objects under specified prim. Args: root_path (str): root path of scenes. prim (Usd.Prim): target prim. depth (int, optional): expected depth of Xform objects relative to root_path. Defaults to 3. Returns: typing.List[str]: prim paths. """ paths = [] if prim is None: return paths print(f'get_grabbed_able_xform_paths: start to traverse {prim.GetPrimPath()}') relative_prim_path = str(prim.GetPrimPath())[len(root_path):] if relative_prim_path.count('/') <= depth: for child in prim.GetChildren(): if child.GetTypeName() == 'Scope': paths.extend(get_grabbed_able_xform_paths(root_path, child)) if child.GetTypeName() == 'Xform': paths.append(str(child.GetPrimPath())) return paths
[docs]def get_world_transform_xform(prim: Usd.Prim) -> typing.Tuple[Gf.Vec3d, Gf.Rotation, Gf.Vec3d]: """ Get the local transformation of a prim using omni.usd.get_world_transform_matrix(). See Args: prim: The prim to calculate the world transformation. Returns: A tuple of: - Translation vector. - Rotation quaternion, i.e. 3d vector plus angle. - Scale vector. """ world_transform: Gf.Matrix4d = omni.usd.get_world_transform_matrix(prim) translation: Gf.Vec3d = world_transform.ExtractTranslation() rotation: Gf.Rotation = world_transform.ExtractRotation() scale: Gf.Vec3d = Gf.Vec3d(*(v.GetLength() for v in world_transform.ExtractRotationMatrix())) return translation, rotation, scale
[docs]def nearest_xform_from_position(stage: Usd.Stage, xform_paths: typing.List[str], position: np.ndarray, threshold: float = 0) -> str: """get prim path of nearest Xform objects from the target position. Args: stage (Usd.Stage): usd stage. xform_paths (typing.List[str]): full list of xforms paths. position (np.ndarray): target position. threshold (float, optional): max distance. Defaults to 0 (unlimited). Returns: str: prim path of the Xform objects, None if not found. """ start = time.time() if threshold == 0: threshold = 1000000.0 min_dist = threshold nearest_prim_path = None for path in xform_paths: prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path) if prim is not None and prim.IsValid(): pose = get_world_transform_xform(prim) dist = np.linalg.norm(pose[0] - position) if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist nearest_prim_path = path print(f'nearest_xform_from_position costs: {time.time() - start}') return nearest_prim_path