
Source code for grutopia.core.util.joint

import omni
import pxr
from omni.isaac.core import World

[docs]def create_joint( prim_path, joint_type, body0=None, body1=None, enabled=True, joint_frame_in_parent_frame_pos=None, joint_frame_in_parent_frame_quat=None, joint_frame_in_child_frame_pos=None, joint_frame_in_child_frame_quat=None, break_force=None, break_torque=None, ): """ Creates a joint between @body0 and @body1 of specified type @joint_type Args: prim_path (str): absolute path to where the joint will be created joint_type (str or JointType): type of joint to create. Valid options are: "FixedJoint", "Joint", "PrismaticJoint", "RevoluteJoint", "SphericalJoint" (equivalently, one of JointType) body0 (str or None): absolute path to the first body's prim. At least @body0 or @body1 must be specified. body1 (str or None): absolute path to the second body's prim. At least @body0 or @body1 must be specified. enabled (bool): whether to enable this joint or not. joint_frame_in_parent_frame_pos (np.ndarray or None): relative position of the joint frame to the parent frame (body0). joint_frame_in_parent_frame_quat (np.ndarray or None): relative orientation of the joint frame to the parent frame (body0). joint_frame_in_child_frame_pos (np.ndarray or None): relative position of the joint frame to the child frame (body1). joint_frame_in_child_frame_quat (np.ndarray or None): relative orientation of the joint frame to the child frame (body1). break_force (float or None): break force for linear dofs, unit is Newton. break_torque (float or None): break torque for angular dofs, unit is Newton-meter. Returns: Usd.Prim: Created joint prim """ world = World() stage = world.stage # Create the joint joint = getattr(pxr.UsdPhysics, joint_type).Define(stage, prim_path) # Possibly add body0, body1 targets if body0 is not None: assert omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.is_prim_path_valid(body0), f'Invalid body0 path specified: {body0}' joint.GetBody0Rel().SetTargets([pxr.Sdf.Path(body0)]) if body1 is not None: assert omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.is_prim_path_valid(body1), f'Invalid body1 path specified: {body1}' joint.GetBody1Rel().SetTargets([pxr.Sdf.Path(body1)]) # Get the prim pointed to at this path joint_prim = omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_at_path(prim_path) # Apply joint API interface pxr.PhysxSchema.PhysxJointAPI.Apply(joint_prim) # We need to step rendering once to auto-fill the local pose before overwriting it. # Note that for some reason, if multi_gpu is used, this line will crash if create_joint is called during on_contact # callback, e.g. when an attachment joint is being created due to contacts. world.render() if joint_frame_in_parent_frame_pos is not None: joint_prim.GetAttribute('physics:localPos0').Set(pxr.Gf.Vec3f(*joint_frame_in_parent_frame_pos)) if joint_frame_in_parent_frame_quat is not None: joint_prim.GetAttribute('physics:localRot0').Set(pxr.Gf.Quatf(*joint_frame_in_parent_frame_quat[[3, 0, 1, 2]])) if joint_frame_in_child_frame_pos is not None: joint_prim.GetAttribute('physics:localPos1').Set(pxr.Gf.Vec3f(*joint_frame_in_child_frame_pos)) if joint_frame_in_child_frame_quat is not None: joint_prim.GetAttribute('physics:localRot1').Set(pxr.Gf.Quatf(*joint_frame_in_child_frame_quat[[3, 0, 1, 2]])) if break_force is not None: joint_prim.GetAttribute('physics:breakForce').Set(break_force) if break_torque is not None: joint_prim.GetAttribute('physics:breakTorque').Set(break_torque) # Possibly (un-/)enable this joint joint_prim.GetAttribute('physics:jointEnabled').Set(enabled) # We update the simulation now without stepping physics if sim is playing so we can bypass the snapping warning from PhysicsUSD # if world.is_playing(): # # with suppress_omni_log(channels=["omni.physx.plugin"]): # world.pi.update_simulation(elapsedStep=0, currentTime=world.current_time) # Return this joint return joint_prim